Dreams & Peace Poems

I took my KWLS kids to the local bookstore to host a Celebration of Peace for MLK, Jr. Day. Here are the writings that came out of the event. The children at the event came from church and off the street. I cannot believe how profound kids can be.

Our Dreams for the World

There won’t be any violence.

To have love around the world.

Everyone will be good.

War will stop.

There will be no war and countries have peace.


Live in peace.

(The world ) will have the will to stand up for themselves and to love anyone they want.

Everyone will be free to live with peace, and love will be everywhere.

Just to be healthy.

Everyone will have a family.

Wars will stop forever and people will have freedom and can go home to see their families.

I will have a sister that I can play with on weekends and holidays.

That I can save animals someday.

I will be a famous singer and be on stage like Miley.

Peace is like FAIRNESS.

Peace looks like A PEACE SIGN.

It sounds QUIET.

And it can be GRACEFUL,

But peace is always LOVE.

Peace is like LOVE.

Peace looks like A PEACE SIGN.

It sounds LOVING.

And it can be COOL,

But peace is always WITH YOU.

Peace is like A BIG CIRCLE OF LOVE.

Peace looks like A PEACE SIGN.


And it can be A GARDEN,

But peace is always A GOOD JOY.

Peace is like LOVE.

Peace looks like A PRETTY DOVE.


And it can be A LARGE BOND,

But peace is always SAFE AND SOUND.


Peace looks like HAPPY.

It sounds HAPPY.

Peace is like CALM WATER.

Peace looks like KISSES.


And it can be FOR EVERYONE,

But peace is always FOR GLENN.

Peace is like FREEDOM.

Peace looks like THERE’S NO WAR.

It sounds like LOVE.

And it can be EVERYONE,

But peace is always LOVING.

Peace is like LOVE.

Peace looks like NOT WAR.

It sounds PEACEFUL.

And it can be AWESOME,

But peace is always NICE.

Peace is like FRIENDSHIP.

Peace looks like CHILDREN PLAYING.


And it can be ANYWHERE,

But peace is always FRIENDSHIP.

Peace sounds PEACEFUL.


But peace is always SILENT.

January Virtue - Discipline

doing what you need to do now so you can grow stronger.

This month, we will be going over the five faith skills every kid needs to know God better. If you want to know God better:

Read His Book. Can you think of a more foundational, first-step way to get to know Him? Plus, "God has breathed life into all of Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right" (2 Timothy 3:16, NIrV). What better example of the importance of engaging in God's Word than Jesus as a 12-year-old in the temple? (Which happens to be the Bible story for week 1.)

Remember His words. "By using Scripture, a man of God can be completely prepared to do every good thing" (2 Timothy 3:17, NIrV). Jesus showed us (particularly that time He was tempted in the wilderness) we not only need to (Step 1) read God's Word, we need to (Step 2) memorize it, internalize it, and take it to heart so that we'll be ready for whatever comes our way.

Talk to Him. "Don't worry about anything. Instead, tell God about everything. Ask and pray. Give thanks to him" (Philippians 4:6, NIrV). To get to know someone and to strengthen your relationship with that person, you have to talk him or her, right? It's the same way with God. You gotta talk to Him. This week (week 3) will help kids better understand Jesus' answer when one of the disciples asked Him how to pray.

Talk about Him with your friends.
"I pray that you will be active in sharing what you believe. Then you will completely understand every good thing we have in Christ" (Philemon 1:6, NIrV). Saying what you believe out loud helps solidify your beliefs. Could this be one reason Jesus asked the disciples, "But who do YOU say I am?" (The story for week 4.)

Make Him more important than anything. "Worship the Lord your God. He is the only one you should serve" (Deuteronomy 6:13a, NIrV). This week (week 5) we'll be taking a look at what Jesus said about "the widow's mite" and how it helps us to worship the only one we should serve.

We will be refering to these as the Five Faith Skills:
5 Faith Skills we think every kid should master:

1. Navigate the Bible (survey and locate)
2. Personalize Scripture (memorize and apply)
3. Dialogue with God (public and private)
4. Articulate faith (share and defend)
5. Worship with your life (praise and give)