Progressive Education in CM

So I'm thinking maybe this is my philosophy for Children's Ministry. Is there really any better way to have kids grow spiritually than having them develop an active, living dialog with Christ, each other and the world around them? It sounds an awful lot like what Jesus did with the 12 disciples vs. the book learning of the pharisees of his time.

But somehow, I'm just not convinced that this is the key to learning math, however.

Progressive Education - From Wikipedia -

Most progressive education programs have these qualities in common:

* Emphasis on learning by doing – hands-on projects, experiential learning
* Integrated curriculum focused on thematic units
* Strong emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking
* Group work and development of social skills
* Understanding and action as the goals of learning as opposed to rote knowledge
* Collaborative and cooperative learning projects
* Education for social responsibility and democracy
* Integration of community service and service learning projects into the daily curriculum
* Selection of subject content by looking forward to ask what skills will be needed in future society
* De-emphasis on textbooks in favor of varied learning resources
* Emphasis on life-long learning and social skills
* Assessment by evaluation of child’s projects and productions

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